Sunday, May 26, 2013

Paper 1 Definition of Terms

well I don't actually have the definition of terms but I do have this fun game I found testing your knowledge:

Click on it people, that's how links work...


  1. Nice link, I found it useful

  2. Hi, can someone tell me if there are any Indian Lit books on the CAPE Lit Syllabus.


    1. hey, if you're talking about east indian i dont think theres any but there's A Golden Age which is written by a Bangladeshi author

  3. Hi, though your information is somewhat reliable you are really disrespectful to those who actually appreciate Literature as an art form, personally your concept is excellent but can you please use some euphemisms just to show a little respect for this great art form?

    1. I do respect Literature very much (or else I wouldn't be here obviously). I respect Literature because it respects things like satire, humour, hyperbole, self criticism and freedom of expression.
      And I like those things very much...
      you may have confused my frustration with the CAPE syllabus and mark scheme with disrespect, in that case I beg you to practice analysing writing because the paper ones do not go over well for people who don't know how to analyse out of a Lit classroom.

    2. That game was very helpful, but do you have any other strategies for preparing or paper 1?


give me some feedback you greedy leeching bastards!